Located in desireable Northeastern Arkansas, this cozy and affordable 0.08-acre lot has the potential to double in monthly income stream.
The Arkansas market is BOOMING right now. With bluffs, waterfalls, four seasons, fall colors, and mild winters, everyone up north is moving here.
This property is steps away from Lake Mirandy and Wild Plum Lake on a gorgeous wooded lot.
It's zoned “Medium Density Residential (R-2) which means you can build duplexes on this lot! So instead of only getting one passive income check a month, you could be getting two from this one property!
Sure, there’s some upfront cost in getting a home or two on the place, whether building or bringing in a mobile home (10 years or less), but before you know it this property could be paying for itself and then some!
GPS Coordinates: 36.274155”N, -91.532704”W
Property Report:
Size: 0.08 (30 ft x 105 ft)
Price: $12,200
Terms: $150 Down, $199/mo for 61 mo 0% Interest
Lot: 34
Block: 2
Street: Adam Dr
Town: Highland
State: AR
County: Sharp
APN: 388-00077-000
County References
County https://sharpcounty.arkansas.gov/
Assessor https://sharpcounty.arkansas.gov/officials/detail/assessor, (870) 994-7361 or 7327
Treasurer (870) 994-7347
Recorder/Clerk https://sharpcounty.arkansas.gov/services/detail/public-records, (870) 994-7361
Planning/Zoning https://ee-sharp.ark.org/services/detail/planning, (870) 994-7361
GIS Website https://www.arcountydata.com/maps/map?county=SHATAX&item=AB7A54&ne=-91.5326159,36.2744054&sw=-91.5327183,36.2741151
Water: Would have to drill a well or alternative.
Sewer/Septic: Would need to install a septic.
Electric: Would have to contact Entergy 1-800-368-3749 or North AR Electric(NAEC)
870-895-3221 or 870-994-2191
Gas: Contact Reeves Propane +18004325172 or Spring River LP Gas +18708692848
Waste: Would have to contact Waste Connections 870-994-7000
Other info:
Terrain Type: Wooded / Slope
Elevation: 186.5 m or 611.8 feet
Road: Dirt Road Access via Adam Dr.
Closest Highways: US-412 / US Hwy 62
Annual Taxes: $7.97
HOA: None found
Zoning: Medium Density Residential (R-2)
Cash Price: $ 12,200
Owner Financing Option is Available!
$150 Down & $199 for 61 months
We’re old school land investors. We’re handshake people. We like to do business with folks that honor their commitments. That being said, we still live in the 21st century. For your legal protection, we use a Purchase and Sale Agreement, Land Sale Contract, and Promissory Note (for financed transactions).
Land is one of the SMARTEST things you can invest in today’s economy, and on average only GAINS value over time. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to GAIN before it’s all bought up!
You don’t have to build right away, simply owning is the MOST important thing in today’s economy. Buy soon to make sure you’re not left behind.
Love it or exchange it - If you don’t love it, we don’t want you to own it. You have 365 days to exchange it for another property in our inventory if you find one you like better.
We also offer a 90-day Money Back Guarantee in case you want to see the land in person, but can’t physically get there before a city slicker from NY with an internet connection buys it.
Don’t forget several hundred folks are reading this same post tonight and they will act on it.
This lot will go fast.
The next step is to speak on the phone with one of our land experts to help you through buying land. Please send us a text at (520) 402-1850 with the best time to call you.
Connect with us today!
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