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Tovar Rd, Newberry Springs, CA 92365 Land for Sale

40 Acres Private and Accessible - Newberry Springs

Acreage: 40.00
$40,000.00 Rural Owner Financed Land
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Outstanding parcel fronting on Tovar Road in Newberry Springs, California, 92365. Tovar Road is a street off of Fort Cady Road near Fairview Road in central Newberry Springs. Fort Cady Road is a significant north-south connector road stretching across Newberry Springs, running all the way from Interstate 15 in the north to Interstate 40 in the south, and appears destined to become an arterial road as the area develops. Fairview Road is a significant east-west road running across Newberry Springs, which also appears destined to become an arterial road as the area develops. This property's location is central to the Newberry Springs market and appears to be an excellent investment in the area's future. This parcel is located approximately 1/4 mile east of Fort Cady Road and 1/4 mile north of Fairview Road. Tovar Road is shown as a County-recognized road on the tax assessor's map (attached to this listing). 

Electricity is located 1/4 mile away, at the corner of Fort Cady Road and Tovar Road. There is quite a bit of development nearby, mostly homes, farms, and manmade lakes.

Development activity continues on pace in the Newberry Springs area, which was a hot spot of land development activity during the last building boom. Famed for its prolific water supplies thanks to the Mojave Aquifer system, and blessed with plenty of sun which has attracted solar companies seeking to develop new electric generation facilities and farming of nuts, dates, alfalfa, etc., Newberry Springs is poised for growth.

APN 0530-031-02-0000. This property is currently zoned RL-5 (rural living) according to the San Bernardino County Planning Department, which indicates a 5 acre minimum parcel size. Possible split/subdivision potential?

Directions: From Barstow, head east on Interstate 40 to Newberry Springs. Exit on National Trails Highway 66 and head east about 1.75 miles. Turn left on Newberry Road and go north about 0.9 miles to Fairview Road, and turn right onto Fairview Road. Drive east on Fairview Road for 3.0 miles. Turn left on Fort Cady Road and go north 0.25 miles to the corner of Tovar Road. From here, head east 0.25 miles on Tovar Road to the property--if you have a 4wd vehicle you can drive on Tovar, otherwise walk. At this point you will be at the southwest property corner. The property will be on your left, and from this point extends about 0.25 miles to the north and 0.25 miles to the east. 

GPS 34.841573, -116.602988

What3Words ///loosening.remember.debacles

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Contact Desert Acreage NV Lic B.1002112 Owner-Broker

Property Details

40 Acres Private and Accessible - Newberry Springs
Owner Financed Land
Complete Address
Tovar Rd, Newberry Springs, CA 92365

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