As a former Real Estate Agent now Land Investor I'm very familiar with handling transactions and required documentation to finalize a deal to benefit all parties.
Delivering high quality land at affordable prices to help people secure their financial freedom and family legacy
Patriot Acres Holdings, LLC. is a Disabled Veteran Owned Small business investor and land dealer.
We Are A Real Estate Service! & We Invest In Real Estate!
PCS Prostaff Inc- Looking for HR consulting, Executive Recruitment, Staffing, Payroll or anti harassment training in City of Riverside, California? PCS Prostaff 30 years
PCS Safety: Providing quality workplace safety services & training including OSHA training to public/private sectors in California and throught United States..
Capitalizing on 35 years in hospitality to build a hospitable land investing business for those that want to own affordable land to create their future legacy.
new land investor going through Flight School
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